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Right-winger: Who are YOU Calling Anti-American

Updated on August 20, 2011

Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin


American:of or pertaining to the United States of America or its inhabitants: an American citizen

Rightwinger:Conservative squared: not to include people who are just right of center

It has to be great to live in a country where the term 'treason' is narrowly defined. The design and wisdom of the Founding Fathers are in the details, they wanting to ensure that the term could not be slung around by tyrants looking for any excuse to repress dissent. The Constitution, when referring to treason, clearly defines what true anti-Americanism is. It is something that you do not something that you are .However , the term “Anti-American” is one of those weasel words having a separate and distinct meaning that seem to exist exclusively within the lexicon of the Right-winger. When I call on one of them for a definition, it is like trying to nail jello to the wall. It is, you know,’ je ne cest’t quoi’. It has got to be part and parcel of that ‘red meat’ that their proponents like to throw to their adoring minions.

The very nature of the term Anti-American is divisive. This term has come up a great deal since the election of President Obama, I wonder why? No one has ever referred to G.W Bush as Anti-American or even Bill Clinton. I have already provided a definition for American. Do not all the three men mentioned fit the description? Sorry, but many of us in the minority community consider the term a code word and racist one at that. As the Doyle character, Sherlock Holmes said, when you eliminate the likely and probable explanation all that is left are the unlikely and improbable, and it through a painstaking process of elimination, must be true. I, having been born in the United States as was Barack Obama, am a citizen. I vote and pay taxes like he does, so what is Anti-American about that? So which one among the current Chief Executive and previous ones are guilty of treason?

It certainly is not the progressive that seems to feed on this hysteria. Observing their current pattern, it was probably rightwing pinheads that were responsible for the Salem Witchcraft Trials of the late 17th century. Let’s move forward in time to the America of the 1840’s. Perhaps many of you have heard of the Know-Nothing Party, built on the fears by Anglo-Saxons Protestants that they were of being overwhelmed by Irish and Germans Catholics, the first among all the Nativist movements of the 19th and 20th centuries in America. Interesting, when a Know-Nothing member was asked about his activities he was to reply ‘I know nothing’. Yes, they knew nothing, alright, reminds me of Sergeant Shultz of the 1960’s TV comedy, Hogan’s Heroes. Whenever there were retrograde attitudes and beliefs to be found, you can bet that the Right-wingers were at its heart, and it doesn’t matter what century is being discussed. They are the natural fomenters of intolerance and bigotry and the very antithesis of reason. They are the impediment to a more peaceful and evolved human family. The Nativist fever rose to a tempo again during the late 19th and early 20th centuries over immigration of Asians, Southern and Eastern Europeans, never mind the fact that those that were so unwelcoming may well have been only a generation or two removed from the boats themselves. So let us focus, what about the hysteria during the period from after the Second World War through the 1950’s? The next label for the Anti-American was Communist or Communist sympathizer. We had congressional hearings, witch hunts, harassment of people for their innocent associations. Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin wanted us all to believe that Anti-American was whatever fit his definition. A brute of a man, his existence was a stain on American political history that will never be expunged. Civil rights advocates, labor union advocates, those that promote a less belligerent foreign policy and the list goes on, were labeled “Communist”. Since they were all Communist sympathizers, they were also Anti-American. This is a classic model of tyranny in action. Careers were ruined and good people were brought under scrutiny when it certainly was not justified. Now, the rightwing revisionists, Ann Coulter and the misguided ones want to rewrite history and make a hero of this brute, Joe McCarthy. So, Right-winger, tell me true, if I oppose this form of harassment of American citizens am I Anti-American? Maybe, to avoid being labeled Anti-American, I just have to agree with YOU.

So, to bring us up to the current time, the Right-winger accuses the President of being Anti-American, is that because he is non-Anglo in the classic sense and comes from Hawaii? Looking at other considerations, I don’t see any other explanation. This link might pain many of you, but if the shoe fits, you had better go and put it on. .

How much of “you” did you find in the content of that link?

Right-wingers are world renown for their double speak, double standards and glaring hypocrisy, let us just take a look at their heroes and see just how true blue THEY are…..

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin got caught with her foot in her mouth when she said during Oct 2008, that certain regions of the country were un-American. Small towns, according to her, were the true America. I guess that I am supposed to believe that the rest of the country was chopped liver? She later apologized in all fairness, but it is pretty hard not to see what the original intent of that statement was. She refers to the idea of our “taking the country back”, another rightwing code word, perhaps. Take the country back from whom? The people elected Barack Obama president, so who is the “other”, obviously not “the people” that Palin wants to take the country back from? See the excerpt below.

It's untrue that Palin has no foreign policy experience, anyway. In fact, she appears to have seriously flirted with the idea of trying to turn Alaska into a foreign country. How many vice presidential candidates can put that on their resumes?Over the years, Palin has actively courted the Alaska Independence Party, or AIP, an organization that supports Alaskan secession from the U.S. To be clear, we're not necessarily talking about friendly secession either: As the AIP's founder, Joe Vogler, told an interviewer in 1991: "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. ... And I won't be buried under their damn flag (Courtesy LA Times, October 2008).

Sounds pretty anti-American to me, how is it that she gets a free pass? The Right-wingers’ diatribe against Obama pales in comparison to this outrage from ‘Miss I can see Russia from my bedroom window’. This is not presidential or any other sort of valuable timber, but particle board.

Michele Bachmann

Representative Michelle Bachmann, another tosser of red meat to the rightwinger, has stated the following, provided through the courtesy of the Washington Post

I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out: Are they pro-America or anti-America?" she told host Chris Matthews.

There is that term again, sounds a lot like the witch hunts of the 1950’s. I just as well dig up Joe McCarthy’s rotten corpse to revisit all of this again. All this from the woman who invented the lie and the misrepresentation, who does she think she is? She is divisive and a hypocrite, all the details of which could fill the content of a separate article. This person is running for president” I would be very, very concerned.

Rick Perry

Then of course this would not be complete without giving mention to the Right-winger’s stronger standard bearer, Governor Rick Perry of Texas. Please read the excerpt below.

Perry called his supporters patriots. Later, answering news reporters' questions, Perry suggested Texans might at some point get so fed up they would want to secede from the union, though he said he sees no reason why Texas should do that.

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot." (Courtesy Associated Press)

Any physician will tell you about the danger of opening old wounds. While the Right-winger questions Obama Americanism based upon where he went to church, the Right-winger advocates, themselves, flout with open treason. The only thing that Washington is ‘thumbing its nose at’ is at Perry and co-conspirators’ disgusting rightwing point of view. I elected Obama to resist just such influence. Why would any responsible leader on the public stage even mention seccession just because they are at odds with the current administration? This does not sound very pro-American to me. This is not anybody that is fit to be my leader!


The rightwing community is made up of shamelessly self promoting leaders and their feeble minded followers. Vigilence is necessary from all that hope to maintain a harmonious and cohesive union against those that through their actions hope to destroy it, while telling everyone else otherwise. So, I challenge the Right-winger to define Anti-American. Have you got any explanation that will hold water? I am patiently waiting and am more than anxious to have YOU educate all of us.


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